Esposito: An English-Persian Scientific Parallel Corpus for Machine Translation


Neural machine translation requires large number of parallel sentences along with in-domain parallel data to attain best results. Nevertheless, no scientific parallel corpus for English-Persian language pair is available. In this paper, a parallel corpus called Esposito is introduced, which contains 3.5 million parallel sentences in the scientific domain for English-Persian language pair. In addition, we present a manually validated scientific test set that might serve as a baseline for future studies. We show that a system trained using Esposito along with other publicly available data improves the baseline on average by 7.6 and 8.4 BLEU scores for En->Fa and Fa->En directions, respectively. Additionally, domain analysis using the 5-gram KenLM model revealed notable distinctions between our parallel corpus and the existing generic parallel corpus. This dataset will be available to the public upon the acceptance of the paper.

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Mersad Esalati
Mersad Esalati
Master student in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

I’m currently working on Neural Machine Translation